I have made it to the holy land safe, and I'm already loving it! My apartment has a balcony out back and the view is incredible! We have a view of all of Jerusalem. Actually there are windows and balconies everywhere in the Jerusalem Center that have a view of the city. I wish I could explain how beautiful the building is too. I'll have to post pictures as soon as I can. It still can't believe that I really live here!
So my first tragic story of my trip... yesterday morning I woke up and tried to use my straightner. I plugged it in with my converter, and about three minutes later the plates on it had melted off. Yes melted off! I didn't cry when I said goodbye to anyone, but I almost cried when I found my straightner. So it looks like I'll be doing my hair in a bun or a braid for the next four months. Hopefully by that point I'll be able to laugh about the whole thing. :)
Yesterday we also had a tour of Jerusalem, and went into the old city for the first time. Probably one of my most favorite things was when we were walking to the old city a man past us and yelled "good morning BYU" to us, and then all these cute little Arab kids yelled hello and waved at us. The old city is incredible, and nothing like I expected. We're still all very lost, but I'm sure within four months we'll be able to find our way around.
I can't believe your straightener melted! Do you think they sell them in Jerusalem? The city sounds cool!